Image: iStock
1,544 household projects will receive funding for the purchase of solar installations for domestic hot water or photovolta...
In connection with the public consultation of the conditions for application and implementation of investments by final recipients under the selec...
Image: БГНЕС
The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission adopted a decision to apply a one-off compensation mechanism in relation to the ...
The European Commission presented on Thursday recommendations for the economic development of the countries of the European Union. For Bulgaria, t...
The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) is carrying out an analysis of possible solutions in relation to the situation with the extremel...
In relation to the crisis prices for shortages and surpluses on the balancing market, we inform you that the BPVA is in intensive talks with the i...
The Ministries of Energy and Environment and Water propose for public consultation an updated Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). ...
Image: European Union
Consumers across the EU will now be able to benefit from more stable energy prices, less dependency on the price o...
Image: European Commission
Almost two years since the adoption of the REPowerEU Plan, the Commission is providing additional support to ...
Image: Sondem/AdobeStock
The European Commission is stepping up its efforts to support the solar sector in Europe through the European S...
In relation to the public discussion of the Draft Methodology for Setting Prices of Balancing Electricity, BPVA submitted a Statement to the Chair...
On April 9, 2024, Regulation No. E-RD-04-2 of April 2, 2024 on guarantees of origin for energy from renewable sources was promulgated in the State...
On April 2, 2024 a new Regulation No. 6 on the connection of energy facilities to the electricity networks was promulgated in the State Gazette.It...
Parliament adopted Thursday at second reading amendments to the Agricultural Land Ownership and Use Act specifying the conditions for changing the...
At a meeting held on 28.03.2024, the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission adopted a completely new Regulation No. 6 on the connection of energy ...
Image: Shutterstock
The Ministry of Energy announced for selection procedures under the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan - BG-R...
Image: Zbynek Burival
The Council of Ministers has adopted a Decision on determining the values used for the calculation of the market r...
Amendments have been made to the Agricultural Land Conservation Act by amending the Energy Act (SG No. 16 of 23.02.2024). The amendments provide t...