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Energy Union: Commission calls on Member States to step up ambition in plans to implement Paris agreement.

Energy Union: Commission calls on Member States to step up ambition in plans to implement Paris agreement.

The assessment of Commission finds that the national plans already represent significant efforts but points to several areas where there is room for i...

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The European Commission recommends to Bulgaria: 27% share of RES by 2030.

The European Commission recommends to Bulgaria: 27% share of RES by 2030.

According to the European Commission, Bulgaria must achieve a share of renewable energy of at least 27 per cent by the year 2030 and implement measure...

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U.S. billionaire Michael Bloomberg pledges $500 million to fight climate change.

U.S. billionaire Michael Bloomberg pledges $500 million to fight climate change.

U.S. billionaire Michael Bloomberg pledged half a billion dollars to fight climate change, saying “our lives and our children’s lives depend on it.” T...

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EU Court of Auditors says more renewables auctions are needed.

EU Court of Auditors says more renewables auctions are needed.

The audit agency said at least half the EU member states will be unable to reach their 2020 renewable energy targets, including the Netherlands, Franc...

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The new price period in the energy sector - the point of view of RES-producers.

The new price period in the energy sector - the point of view of RES-producers.

Producers of electricity from RES, in particular from photovoltaic power plants and from hydropower plants are quite pleased with the changes envisage...

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Citizens declare decentralization of the energy system. They called for more rights and a larger share of renewable energy sources.

Citizens declare decentralization of the energy system. They called for more rights and a larger share of renewable energy sources.

Citizens and representatives of the small business insisted on the decentralization of the energy system for the benefit of individuals, communities, ...

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Legislative changes are foreseen to bring to the free market all small businesses.

Legislative changes are foreseen to bring to the free market all small businesses.

All companies that are under low voltage from the next regulatory period will be taken to the free market. This will be the first step. The second is ...

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Energy companies want to fine-tune the changes in the Ordinance regulating electricity prices.

Energy companies want to fine-tune the changes in the Ordinance regulating electricity prices.

Electricity distribution companies, NEC and the photovoltaic association are generally in agreement with the changes in the Ordinance regulating the p...

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Commission appoints new Directors-General to its departments for energy and for trade, and names new Chief Operating Officer.

Commission appoints new Directors-General to its departments for energy and for trade, and names new Chief Operating Officer.

The European Commission has today decided to appoint Ms Ditte Juul Jørgensen, currently the head of Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager office...

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The Energy and water regulatory commission published the price report in the Electricity sector for the next price period.

The Energy and water regulatory commission published the price report in the Electricity sector for the next price period.

The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission published on its website the report on price validation in the electricity sector for the next price period...

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Clean energy for all Europeans package completed: good for consumers, good for growth and jobs, and good for the planet.

Clean energy for all Europeans package completed: good for consumers, good for growth and jobs, and good for the planet.

The 22nd of May, the Council of ministers of the EU formally adopted four new pieces of EU legislation that redesign the EU electricity market to make...

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Swedish Energy Agency eyes PV to achieve 100% renewables by 2040.

Swedish Energy Agency eyes PV to achieve 100% renewables by 2040.

Located in the north of Europe, with sparse or even zero solar irradiation throughout winter, and dogged by numerous cloudy days, Sweden is neverthele...

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Strong global solar market outlook.

Strong global solar market outlook.

SolarPower Europe’s 5-year global solar market outlook forecasts 800 GW additions to 1.3 TW total installed capacity by 2023. A total of 102.4 GW of s...

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The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission has adopted rules for measuring the amount of electricity.

The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission has adopted rules for measuring the amount of electricity.

The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission adopted a decision approving the Rules for measuring the amount of electricity. According to Art. 21, para....

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About 70% of Earth's energy consumption will be available from solar power in 2050.

About 70% of Earth's energy consumption will be available from solar power in 2050.

This research, jointly undertaken by Finland’s LUT University and the Energy Watch Group, does not only add one more study about climate-benign future...

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The Energy Commission publishes the applications of the electricity companies regarding electricity prices for the new regulatory period.

The Energy Commission publishes the applications of the electricity companies regarding electricity prices for the new regulatory period.

The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission publishes on its website the non-confidential version of their electricity price applications submitted by ...

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IRENA - Global energy transformation: A roadmap to 2050.

IRENA - Global energy transformation: A roadmap to 2050.

Increased use of renewable energy, combined with intensified electrification, could prove decisive for the world to meet key climate goals by 2050. Th...

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IHS - Global Solar PV market to see 25% growth in 2019.

IHS - Global Solar PV market to see 25% growth in 2019.

The global solar PV market is expected to bounce back from slower growth in 2018 with a return to form in 2019 that will see double-digit growth in th...

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