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The amendments to the Energy Act were adopted at first reading by Energy Commission in the Parliament.

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The amendments to the Energy Act were adopted at first reading by Energy Commission in the Parliament.

The successive amendments to the Energy Act aimed at further liberalization of the energy market have met with the support of employers, small energy producers from renewable energy sources, energy exchanges, BEH and the Energy Regulator experts, but with a request for clarification of a number of texts. The legislative changes with 12 votes in favor were adopted at first reading by the Committee on Energy at the National Assembly. 

The Ministry of Energy and the „Electricity system security fund“ have also supported the amendment proposed by electricity producers with installed capacity between 1 MW and 4 MW from 1 July 2019 to switch from preferential prices to market prices and a premium compensation contract. To this end, the Ministry of Energy will also have to submit documents for notification to the EC for the recognition of state aid. "Until now, the energy from these small producers, from 1 to 4 MW, is reddem by 100% by the public service provider (NEK) and they are 100% compensated by the Fund, which collects and finances its activity accordingly by collecting a fee the public, a contribution of 5% of all producers and importers of electricity, respectively, 100% of the emissions trading of the Bulgarian state is performing on the European market. 

So, as budget and funding, it is secured, it simply changes the way and becomes a compensatory mechanism, "Chervenkondev commented. New electricity from small RESs of 1 to 4 MW or a total of 1 million and 500 thousand MWh of 372 plants will have an impact on the stock market as a whole, the Executive Director of IBEX said. In this connection, he emphasized the possibility of cross-border capacities. As is well known for the changes in energy law, the Energy and water regulatory commission. will already set a monthly quota for NEK, not as a year ago. This requires completely new estimates for the operation of the state-owned power plants in BEH and new estimates for the quantities on a regulated and stock market.