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Ministry of Energy proposes for public consultation amendments to the Renewable Energy Act

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Ministry of Energy proposes for public consultation amendments to the Renewable Energy Act

The Ministry of Energy proposes for public consultation draft amendments to the Renewable Energy Act. The amendments fully transpose into Bulgarian legislation the requirements of Directive (EU) 2023/2413 of 18 October 2023 amending Directive (EU) 2018/2001, Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 and Directive 98/70/EC regarding the promotion of energy from renewable sources.

The draft law proposes to complete the list of raw materials for the production of biofuels and biogas. In addition to bioethanol, blending will also be possible with ethers produced from biomass. The change is in line with the requirements of Directive (EU) 2018/2001.

The proposed amendments are also aimed at simplifying and reducing the deadlines of the administrative procedures for the implementation of investment projects for renewable sources. This will create conditions for increasing the production and consumption of energy from renewable sources with a view to achieving the national target of at least 34.48% share of renewable energy in gross final consumption in 2030. This target is set in the updated Integrated Energy and Climate Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria 2021-2030.

In accordance with Art. 22, para. 1 of the Renewable Energy Act, an administrative service centre should be set up in each municipality to provide guidance and information on procedures for the construction, reconstruction or renovation of renewable energy facilities. 

The bill introduces a three-month deadline for the issuance of a construction permit in cases where such is required by the Spatial Planning Act, regardless of the capacity of the facilities. It maintains the current application of the principle of "tacit consent" for the granting of construction permits for self-consumption solar electricity production facilities with an installed capacity of 20 kW to 50 kW.

Draft amendment to the Renewable Energy Act


Partial preliminary impact assessment


Source: Ministry of Energy