Image: Zbynek Burival
On 11.01.2023, the Council of Ministers adopted a Decision for the determination of the values that serve to calculate the cap of the market revenues of electricity producers from RES with sites with an installed capacity of more than 1 MW, without a contract for compensation with premiums.
On its website, the Electricity System Security Fund published a declaration approved by Order No. ЗМФ-30 dated 12.01.2023 of the Minister of Finance, along with an appendix and instructions for filling it out.
A declaration is submitted by all producers obliged under the Law on the Implementation of Provisions of the Law on the State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2022, the Law on the State Public Insurance Budget for 2022 and the Law on the Budget of the National Health Insurance Fund for 2022 and within the terms of §8, para. 7 and para. 8 of it, including in cases where the obligee does not pay a contribution for the respective month.
According to the Decision of the Council of Ministers, producers of electricity from renewable energy sources without a contract for compensation with premiums will set their market revenue cap at BGN 350/MWh. Above this cap, producers owe contributions to the Electricity System Security Fund.
The Decision of the Council of Ministers for the determination of the values used to calculate the market revenue cap for the respective type of electricity producer can be found on the following link.
Electricity producers by the 15th of the month: