Yesterday, the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) published a draft decision proposing new significantly higher market prices for producers of energy from renewable sources from 01.01.2022.
The proposed decision of the EWRC does not take into account the fact that a significant part of RES producers have sold their energy under long-term contracts at a fixed price (based on the estimated market price for the whole period) for six or twelve months without realizing the so-called "excess revenue" from the sale on the free market market.
The adoption of the forecast market prices proposed by the EWRC from 01.01.2021 will disrupt the financial stability of a large part of the RES producers and are another regulatory blow to the sector.
BPVA will participate in the public discussion scheduled for tomorrow (15.12.2021) and will give convincing arguments for maintaining the current levels of reference prices for RES producers with fixed contracts.
Together with the Bulgarian Wind Energy Association (BGWEA) and the Association of Electricity Traders in Bulgaria (ATEB), we have prepared a Statement to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Energy and the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC), which you can find HERE.
You can find HERE the Draft decision on the amendment of the premiums of the producers of electricity from renewable sources with a total installed capacity of 500 kW and over 500 kW.
You can find HERE the Draft decision on the change of the prices in the Electricity sector during the regulatory / price period.